Power - GT & Combined Cycle

KELD has developed a range of Expansion Joints and Dampers to meet the demands of Power Stations. These compensators are used in aggressive flue gas media for large axial and large lateral movements together with temperatures ranging from -40°C to +1050°C.

Gas Turbines pose a special problem in design of fabric compensators. Very high velocity of gas, need for noise suppression, high thermal movements in both axial and lateral directions due to typical supporting arrangement of Boiler and rapid increase in medium temperature during start-up call for special designs in fabric compensators. These compensators isolate the Gas turbine mechanically and acoustically from the connected ducting.

Since KELD supplied its first compensator to gas turbines in 1988, the company has worked up a comprehensive know-how in the field. Today, compensators are manufactured for the inlet and outlet of the turbine and also for the exhaust gas system for both onshore and offshore installations. KELD has supplied to many Gas Turbine installations in India and abroad.

The typical locations of Expansions Joints and Dampers are:

  • GT Inlet
  • Exhaust plenum
  • Bypass stack
  • Boiler inlet
  • Super heaters
  • Pipe penetrations
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